Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

Way to go on your first benchmark WOD last night! You did very well and really pushed through. "Helen" is one of my "favourite" benchmarks, but it is pretty uncomfortable when done right. heh

Today we're going to look at more maintenance and preventative stuff. There are a couple things to keep in mind to avoid or deal with injuries. The biggest one is knowing the difference between hurt and injured. If you're hurt, let me know, we can work around it, tape it up, whatever it takes to keep training and not make it worse. Sometimes things hurt because they're pissed off that you're making them work after letting it get away with doing nothing for so long. This is generally OK as long as it doesn't get worse preferably it gets better).

If it is injury, or is going beyond the "hurts good" type of hurt you need to stop and assess it. Maybe it's something we can sub around, maybe it isn't. Maybe it needs to be taped, maybe not. But it's up to you to let me know when something is not right, something is hurting when it shouldn't, and when you need to sub, stop, or whatever.

I don't know what you're feeling, and it's my job to make you better than you were when you showed up, not worse. But if you're not keeping me in the loop on what's going on I can't do that. 

So be smart, keep me posted on what's ailing you and we'll make it better.

Sara getting some pull-ups

5 rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts
15 Push-ups
100' sprint

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

Here we go, first On-Ramp class is over and we're off and running with regular classes, and what better way to celebrate than our very first benchmark girl workout.

Don't be afraid, remember, CrossFit is scaleable to any and all levels. If this looks impossible and terrifying don't worry, you can handle some level of this workout. But trust me, she's a beauty.

Also, training is hard, it's hard on the body but doesn't need to ruin you. Stay on top of your business. www.mobilitywod.com. Don't make me sic K-Star on you. Find your mobility business and get to work on it in your free time. What's that you say? No free time? I hear ya... but for mobility and maintenance even spending 2 minutes in the evening will make a difference. Can you find 2 minutes? Just hit some during commercial breaks, you can find 2 minutes. Go to mobility wod, search for whatever is tight/bothering you, and hit it for 2 minutes.

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update for Wed May 25

I've been slacking hard on keeping things interesting on the site, my bad.

On-Ramp 1 is coming to an end and we're going to be starting up some regular classes. It's looking like the standard class time will be 6pm. There may or may not be classes on the weekend. Class times will largely depend on 2 things. Thing 1 - When you guys want them, and Thing 2 - When I'm available. (Still work a regular 8-5 gig...).

So keep an eye on the schedule page, hopefully it won't take too long to solidify the class schedule. And remember, if I don't now you're coming, I might not be there! Even tho a class is on the calendar, you'll need to confirm that you're coming that day/time so I know to expect someone.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

SWA/CrossFit Closed, preliminary recap

I will write a more comprehensive recap when I'm not doing it from my phone but it was a great day!

Had a great time watching and lifting in my first Olympic Weightlifting meet. It was also combined with a CrossFit WOD for a combined score.

Made some good lifts, almost made a few others, and had a great time with the Saskatchewan CrossFit extended family and Weightlifting community.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hey ladies!

For all you ladies worried about lifting heavy weights, and getting big and bulky? Check out 70s big on this fine Monday morning. They are dedicating every Monday to 70s Big ladies.

Read the whole article and watch some lifting videos here at 70s Big.com.

Lily is a consistent presence in her north Florida gym. I’ve seen her post online about hitting up squats, deadlifts, snatches, or clean and jerks on holidays — every day is just another training day for Lily. Her 145 pound frame holds a 40″ ass with ease, which easily passes the 38″ mark set for 70′s Big Females. It isn’t just for show; Lily brings her lunch pail to the gym to do some fucking work. Here is the second set of five of high bar squatting 185 for 10 reps. I’ll repeat that again: five sets of 185×10…40 pounds above body weight. And it’s not even hard.
The thing about Lily is that she’s training hard all the time. She doesn’t dabble just because someone told her to squat; she lifts because she loves it. She’s, yet again, proof that lifting and being strong not only doesn’t make a woman BIG, but she’s also proof that there are hardcore women that are lurking behind the scenes in gyms across the world…un-racking the bar one more time.