Friday, September 16, 2011

Nervous or excited, it's up to you.

“You’re the one who put’s the labels on your nerves. If you’ve been cutting corners or slacking off then by all means, call it nervous. But if you’ve been training hard and putting in the work then it should be called excited.”

I can totally dig this... puts a new spin and perspective on being nervous. I will certainly keep this in mind at my upcoming weightlifting meet.

What can you spin differently with this.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Way to go!

Last night was the last class for this round of On-Rampers. Jay had a huge PR on his baseline, knocked a full 2 minutes off his time. Nice job!

Also of note, Sara has conquered her fear of the 20" box. She has a 23" box jump (looked pretty casual too, but it was a huge PR) and can handle the whole box now.

Great day overall!