Friday, April 15, 2011

Crossfit – Why Crossfit is the Best Way for Couples to Stay in Shape

 Saw this posted on the CrossFit Forum. It's a link to a website about the DINK (dual income no kids) lifestyle, but this particular article is relevant for all!
DINKs know that traditional workouts are not always the best for your long term health. While you can still burn calories and lose weight, countless hours on the treadmill means worn down knees and joints and no muscle gain.
Crossfit – Why Crossfit is the Best Way for Couples to Stay in Shape
Group of Crossfitters at competition 

Hours of bicep curls and single-joint movements that focus on only one body part at a time mean longer hours in the gym and less time to focus on new experiences outside of the gym.
Crossfit is the solution to less time in the gym, more calorie burning, a better physique and a better sex life too. Crossfit makes you better at…everything. Weighlifters will gain more speed and endurance, runners/swimmers get more stength and flexibility, and couch potatoes increase general health and fitness for everyday life.
In order to understand why Crossfit is one of the best workouts for DINKs, first, you need to understand what Crossfit is. Crossfit is continuously varied, functional movements done at high intensity.
Read the whole article here!

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