Monday, July 4, 2011

What are you goals?

Are you training for a specific sport? Want to get stronger? Lose weight? Compete in a new sport? Want to build a better looking physique?

Do you know what your goals are?

If you don't know what your goals are you should probably figure that out. And just like lifting weights, and filing your taxes, there is a right way to set a goal.

SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. 

Your goal has to be precise, just saying "I want to be strong" is not specific. Saying "I want to squat double my bodyweight" is specific and will also mean you have achieved "strong" (at least some level of strong).

Measurable. Look at the above example, you can't measure "I want to be strong". You can measure double bodyweight.

Attainable. Is it something you believe you can do? If it isn't you will not create the changes in your behaviour and attitude necessary to attain the goal.

Realistic. A goal can still be lofty and be realistic.

Timely. Give yourself a deadline. (remember be realistic!) Without a deadline there is little urgency in achieving the goal. If you have a sports/fitness/strength goal, signing up for competitions are a GREAT way to add a deadline/time element to the goal.

Figure out what you goals are, explain them to me, and we will figure out what you need to do to get there. Remember, there are many ways to train, CrossFit rolls them all into one all around, general program. But we also do pure strength programs, Olympic Weightlifting programs, etc...

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