Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's been a while!

Sorry for the hiatus in posting... I will really do my best to post at least a few times a week.

Some changes coming down the pipe. I am in the process of becoming an SWA Weightlifting Club.

What does this mean for all you current members? All good things.

For now nothing will really change for the current members. I will try to get those of you who are interested in the new WL club to join me up to 4x/week when I train the Olympic lifts. These WL practices will be closer to 2 hours.

Members of the club will need to be SWA members. It's just a little form to fill out and is $40/year. This will also allow you to compete at WL meets. I would love to have some more lifters to train with and to compete at meets. It's a lot of fun.

I'm still not sure how this will affect the membership price, but it will be in your guys' favour.

So bear with me as I transition into this new format.

I have yet to find a better training method to develop all around athleticism, speed, power, etc...

We'll chat more about in class and start trying out some of the workouts to see what you all think. I'm pretty excited about it! Looking forward to developing some competitive athletes! :) (and don't worry, you can have fun and compete at any and all levels)

Here are some videos of the last meet I was at. My dad only filmed most of my session. We didn't get any footage of the women or the lighter weight men.

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